June 11, 2015

Buying a Used or Second Hand Car in Zimbabwe

Generally, buying a car, whether brand new or used is a big decision and involves a lifestyle change. It is equally risky buying a used or second hand car. So many additional and important considerations need to be made before a decision to buy is reached… Read more
Dec 28, 2013

Smash and Grab – How to avoid

The act of smash and grab is sudden. The perpetrator quickly smashes your car window and grabs your stuff on the car seats or from any other easily and quickly accessible place and quickly makes a getaway. This can happen when parked in a public place or at… Read more
Dec 18, 2013

Holidays Travelling – Dos and Don’ts

Do not speed. Observe speed limits. Drive cautiously and maintain safe distance from the car which is in front of you. Be on the lookout for buses and heavy vehicles along the highways and exercise caution particularly where the road may be narrow. Do not… Read more
Dec 18, 2013

Rainy Season Motoring – Dos and Don'ts.

Drive cautiously and maintain safe distance from the car which is in front. If it is difficult to continue to drive in adverse weather conditions, pull over to the side of the road. If you are so parked, switch on the hazard lights so that you are visible to… Read more

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